Activating Air Force reservists quickly, efficiently and securely
Datum Software went beyond the data to guide the Air Force Reserve Command in modernizing its systems.
Activating Air Force reservists quickly, efficiently and securely
1. Challenge: The Air Force Reserve Command’s labor and paper intensive processes needed to be streamlined around the world using new capabilities including browsers, web services, and emerging technologies.
2. Solution: ReserveNet – a system-of-systems (SOS) enterprise framework that encompasses the services required to maintain an information technology platform for developing and hosting AFRC IT applications and software tools that support automated reservist readiness, participation management, logistics, and other critical mission support activities.
3. Results: Datum Software was instrumental in implementing the first Remote Sign On (RSO) for Air Force Reserve Command Information Technology applications and negotiated with the Global Combat Support System-Air Force team for enclave migration. Datum Software constructed AFRC’s Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), and spearheaded AFRC’s efforts for Identity Web Services and 2-way authentications using DOD-Public Key Infrastructure. The result – Datum Software defined, designed, developed, and implemented the web service strategy for HQ AFRC to exchange data among participating DoD Agencies.
4. Thought leadership: The team won numerous awards for technical achievements and process innovation, including:
- 2006, 2007 and 2008 AFRC Team Excellence Award
- AF Chief of Staff Team Excellence Award
- Best Practice Award from the U.S. Secretary of the Air Force
Optimizing the DaVinci framework to optimize decision-making
Datum Software created a solution that can achieve speeds in excess of 10,000 transactions per second in a hyper-computing environment – exceeding project requirements.
Optimizing the DaVinci framework to optimize decision-making
1. Challenge: The United States Air Force needed an enterprise solution that provided physics-based, high fidelity models that could support rapid analysis and rapid design to improve the quality of early USAF aerospace system acquisition decisions.
2. Solution: DaVinci is designed around a unified life-cycle engineering model encompassing multi-fidelity analysis for a wide range of applications. At its core, DaVinci provides next generation modeling capability for functional analysis, alternative design evaluation, tradespace exploration, and acquisition planning.
The DaVinci framework provides a systems-engineering-approach-based application to allow designers, engineers, and users to develop an enterprise-acquisition-systems engineering design, synthesis, analysis, integration, & optimization system. It allows USAF to develop & transition maintainable, extensible, validated, scalable, and productive Computationally Based Engineering (CBE) tools for accomplishing aerospace conceptual design and systems lifecycle modeling.
The solution was based on open enterprise architecture and product strategies focusing on designing DaVinci based upon representation state transfer (REST) principals, dynamic federated computing, metadata management, and business process management. We provide the design and development of business process and orchestration using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) methodologies and are building a networked and secure enclave for the DaVinci enterprise infrastructure.
3. Results: The process and architecture support, the development of robust designs from concept sketches, rapid prototypes, carry-over parts or scans, incorporating manufacturing feasibility using both surface modeling (NURBS, Bezier) and solid modeling software techniques for hypersonic and space vehicles. The final solution provides distributed-object techniques to develop DaVinci framework components that achieve speeds in excess of 10,000 transactions per second in a hyper-computing environment. This exceeded requirements – going above and beyond the required capabilities.
Moving massive big data for the VA
A big data challenge leveraged Datum Software’s deep expertise and flexible thinking.
Moving massive big data for the VA
1. Challenge: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) needed support services for the Business Intelligence Service Line performing (BISL) Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) programming services to the Regional Data Warehouses, Corporate Data Warehouse and Veterans Data Warehouse. It would require moving large amounts and varieties of data — consisting of over 60,000 data fields — between 129 VA sites that store Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture data.
2. Solution: Datum Software identified ETL requirements and a strategy to aggregate the data into three warehouse tiers (CDW/RDW/VDW). Functional and technical requirements gathering and coordinate sessions were facilitated between clients and BISL technical personnel. Dependent technical stakeholder personnel were also interviewed and coordinated with to ensure that all interfaces and technical rules were captured in relation to interfaces between the dependent systems. Datum Software’s experience, coupled with the high quality of their CMMI Maturity Level 3 capabilities, enabled the team to provide recommendations for improving process, products & documentation, and fully implement recommendations.
The very large scale of the data warehouse posed unique challenges. To design, develop, test and maintain ETL code for an initiative of this sort required immense technical and functional expertise, well beyond that required for an average data warehouse implementation. The ideal hardware for executing the ETL processes was available, so smart, efficient ETL code was written to utilize enhanced SSIS features such as partitioning and bulk loading — drastically improving performance. Datum Software properly documented ETL mapping and workflow processes and provided rapid ramp-up for new members on the team.
3. Results: Datum Software moved data into a large data warehouse with varying levels of Service Level Agreements (SLA) for real-time, daily, weekly and monthly refreshes, dependent upon the data source and requirements. The refresh could be incremental data or full refresh data. The data was also built to load within a very tight time frame. Datum Software transformed and cleaned the data as it moved from source to target – transforming an incredibly complex process into a streamlined solution.